Long Season
Long Season
from £10.50
A native blend of perennial wildflowers harvested in the UK. This blend is specifically made up to represent wildflowers found in the south east corner of the UK, and includes a wide variety of species which will create a diverse sward. This mix contains no meadow grasses.
Yarrow, Agrimony, Kidney Vetch, Common Knapweed, Greater Knapweed, Wild Carrot, Viper's-bugloss, Meadowsweet, Hedge Bedstraw, Lady's Bedstraw, Meadow Crane's-bill, Field Scabious, Oxeye Daisy, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Musk Mallow, Black Medick, Sainfoin, Wild Parsnip, Ribwort Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Salad Burnet, Cowslip, Selfheal, Meadow Buttercup, Yellow Rattle, Red Campion, Bladder Campion, Dandelion, Tufted Vetch, Common Vetch.
Seed rate: 1g per square metre
Long Season: